Sunday, September 9, 2012

Tattoo Removal

While I usually post multi-image captions over a few days, this one seemed to demand that I post the whole thing at once.


  1. FWIW, I would actually really prefer it if you'd post other multipart caps in a single post.

  2. Actually, so would I. However, I really want to be able to keep to my one new post each day schedule. Spreading multi-image posts out over a few days helps extend the number of captions that I have to post so that I can meet my schedule. Sad, but true.

  3. MindyZ - Do your captions whatever way you find best .. We will find all the parts on your pages eventually .. and enjoy them just as readily. For those whom do not like your multi day posting of multi- part posts .. they can always chose to visit your page only every few days to see the full thing all at once. The point is its your creation .. we will see it as you have it available. I enjoy your captions and am happy with the wait if necessary for daily reading to see the multi part ones. -Monica-

  4. great and fun caption site, MindyZ

    BTW, do you have the name of this particular model? (female athletic?) much thanks

  5. Nope. Sorry. And if anyone does know the model's name, go ahead and post it, but please try to "disguise" the name somewhat so that it doesn't show up in a Google search.


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