Saturday, February 27, 2021

At Least Her Owner Was Handsome



  1. She's not a victim. She is blessed. What a lucky girl!

  2. She angry, angry of what has happen. Angry that the fact that she was more a piece of property. Than a person. She tested , examine over and over.
    Then things change was it, that she mind was adjust to her body. Or was there something that started to like the idea of being a girl.
    All she knew the owner of the company, was interested in her.
    And strangely in him, she did mind being looked at. She didn't mind the she was arm candy for hi,
    She didn't mind that she wore those clothes she wore.
    She didn't mind playing those bedroom game.
    She didn't mind screaming of ecstasy, when he did it to her.
    At first she hate it. But now she happy, joyful being her.

  3. So happy for them!


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